Taking Stock, Moving forward: Disarmament under International Law
Ashley Müller: Welcome to the first episode of this mini-series on International Disarmament Law. Part 1 explores Sources, history and definition of International Disarmament Law and Global Disarmament Treaties. Part 2 explores the Core Features of Global Disarmament Treaties. Part 3 explores Implementation, compliance and enforcement mechanisms in International Disarmament Law Treaties.
In this mini-series, we have the pleasure of conversing with Dr Stuart Casey-Maslen on the topic of International Disarmament Law. He is joined by Ms Dominika de Beauffort, Senior Policy Officer with the Security and Law Programme at the GCSP, where she is also the Course Director of the International Disarmament Law executive course and virtual learning journey.
Dr Stuart Casey Maslen is an academic specialising in the use of force under international law and an Associate Fellow with the GCSP’s Global Fellowship Initiative (GFI). He is an Honourary Professor at the University of Pretoria, holding a doctorate in international humanitarian law, and master's degrees in international human rights law and forensic ballistics. His work on jus ad bellum, the law on the inter-state use of force, was published by Hart in August 2020. A Guide to International Disarmament Law, co-authored with the GCSP’s Head of Security and Law Programme, Tobias Vestner, was published by Routledge in June 2019. His most recent work on the law of armed conflict—Hague Law Interpreted—was published by Hart in 2018.
Join Dominika and Stuart for this important mini-series.
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