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Hybrid Warfare under International Law
This book addresses the regulation of hybrid warfare under relevant branches of international law, beginning with the law on inter-state use of force (jus ad bellum).
Firstly, the book assesses the extent to which forms of hybrid warfare comply with or violate international humanitarian law/the law of armed conflict. It then looks at law enforcement action in response to hybrid warfare, both on land and on the high seas, and addresses hybrid warfare from the perspective of international counterterrorism law.
Putting the Second REAIM Summit into Context
The upcoming second Summit on Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM) will be a platform for multistakeholder dialogue on the implications of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into military systems.
The Strategic Power of a Prospect of Peace
A realistic prospect of a lasting peace deal is not only necessary to end the death and destruction caused by a war, but also to prevent the consolidation of powerful domestic and transnational groups benefitting from an ongoing conflict. International mediators need to do their best to keep such a prospect open for Russia and Ukraine.
As an armed conflict on a scale not seen over the last 70 years, the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war highlights the long-standing dilemmas of peacemaking that require a serious review of existing conflict resolution strategies.
Rules of Engagement as Regulatory Framework for Military Artificial Intelligence
Proper regulatory frameworks are required for the development, deployment, and use of artificial intelligence (AI) for military purposes. Any such frameworks must comply with international law. In addition, because existing international law does not provide specific guidance on military applications of AI, regulatory frameworks should support international law’s application and implementation.