5 June 2024
Speech: Views on the Current Global Geopolitical Situation

5 June 2024
Speech: Views on the Current Global Geopolitical Situation
During the spring session of GCSP’s Foundation Council, Ambassador Jean-David Levitte shared his views on the current global geopolitical situation.
"I am back in Geneva with one strong conviction: more than ever, we need the GCSP. Let me explain why.
In just a few years, the world has changed profoundly. We are experiencing an unprecedented deconstruction of the world order, with three major developments combining to drive this change:
- First, the return of war on European soil, for the first time since the end of the Second World War, with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. And of course the GCSP must fully take this new situation into account in its activities, be it in terms of dialogue, training or advice.
- Second, the return of the Cold War on a global level. But an inverted Cold War: during the first the United States opposed the USSR, which had an underdeveloped China by its side, reeling from the upheavals of the end of Mao's reign. Today, the new Cold War features the United States opposed to a powerful and ambitious China, with a weakened Russia by its side.
- Finally, the return of a version of the Non-Aligned Movement, which is today called the “Global South” and which practices “multi-alignment” rather than “non-alignment”: countries like India, Brazil, South Africa or even Saudi Arabia do not want to have to choose between Washington, Brussels, Moscow or Beijing. They want to develop the most interesting partnerships with each of them."
Ambassador Jean-David Levitte is the President of the Foundation Council of the GCSP and Former Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations in New York.