Session 4: The impact of the Covid-19 virus on global terrorism and violent extremism
Although the coronavirus crisis has shifted the attention of most governments to fighting this pandemic, traditional threats such as terrorism and violent extremisms have not disappeared. Terrorist and violent extremism organisations are obviously not immune from the contamination of the virus, yet, they are also using the disruptions created worldwide to foster their cause. Some organisations are even trying to use this crisis to prosper and achieve their goals. This webinar will explore how these organisations have adapted, use the crisis to promote their objectives and possibly changed their operating modes.
Covid-19 Crisis: Global Crisis, Global Risk and Global Consequences is a new webinar series that examines various possible and visible consequences of the current crisis including its strategic and economic implications, impact on global governance, on gender or the role of technology.
■ Dr Andreea Stoian Karadeli, Independent expert, consultant with extensive experience in CT and national security.
■ Dr Christina Schori Liang, Head of Terrorism and PVE activities at the GCSP
■ Mr Christian Picciolini, Author of Breaking Hate, founder of Free Radical Projects
■ Mr Jean-Paul Rouiller, Head of the Terrorism-Joint Analysis Group (T-JAG) at the GCSP
■ Mr Jean-Pierre Keller, Deputy & Senior Analyst at the Terrorism-Joint Analysis Group (T-JAG) at the GCSP
■ Mr Munir Zamir, Counter-Terrorism and CVE consultant and, PhD Candidate at the University of South Wales
GCSP Moderators
■ Dr Jean-Marc Rickli, Head of Global Risk, GCSP
■ Ms Ashley Müller, Q&A Moderator, GCSP
The webinar is free and conducted in English.
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