Ending Armed Conflicts: Beyond Mediation

Ending Armed Conflicts: Beyond Mediation
©Bykfa, Envato Elements

Ending Armed Conflicts: Beyond Mediation

By Mark Knight, Executive-in-Residence in the GCSP’s Global Fellowship Initiative

Key points

  • Commentators and practitioners recognise that the value of mediation
    as a tool to facilitate political solutions to armed conflict is under severe
    pressure. Innovation is necessary to meet the challenges presented by
    contemporary armed conflicts.
  • Viable and sustainable transitions from war to peace require the provision
    of specific support to the security and political transitions of non-state
    armed actors prior to mediation, and during the implementation of a
    peace agreement. Equally, the provision of support to the state in question
    (as a belligerent actor in the armed conflict) is pivotal to a sustainable
    transition process.
  • The approach known as “advising armed actors” is relevant to all non-state
    armed actors in contemporary conflicts, including those that lack cohesion
    (pre-political), are proscribed (listed as terrorists), and are sub-political
    (gangs/criminals), and is equally relevant to states as belligerents in an
    armed conflict.
  • The overall purpose of this approach is to establish a conducive environment
    that supports a transition from war to peace in a way that establishes
    a trajectory towards an environment where human rights are protected
    by the rule of law.

Mark Knight is an Executive-in-Residence in the GCSP’s Global FellowshipInitiative. He has broad global experience of security and human rights during transitions from war to peace and in complex environments, including directly supporting peace dialogue processes.

Disclamer: The views, information and opinions expressed in this publication are the authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect those of the GCSP or the members of its Foundation Council. The GCSP is not responsible for the accuracy of the information.