The Art of Cooperative Security – A Geneva Security Debate
A light lunch will be served from 12h00 to 12h30
This event will be recorded.
Cooperation is key to understanding ‘lasting’ security within and between states
International cooperation is often measured by our ability to avoid resorting to the use of bullets and bombs. But our speakers will argue that the complex labyrinth of transnational issues we now confront means our security depends on a new era of diplomatic cooperation — not simply for the sake of cooperation, but because this is what our individual national interests and the planet now demand.
In the wake of the Cold War international cooperation was announced to be the future of international politics, now many ask themselves does international cooperation have a future? If you look for a hopeful answer to this question, come join our in-person event to learn more about cooperative security from two seasoned diplomats and policy advisors. This is the second of many Geneva Security Debates to come.
Event moderator
- Dr Christina Schori Liang, Senior Advisor, Research and Policy Advice Department, Geneva Centre for Security Policy
- Dr Walter Kemp - Senior Fellow at the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, and Strategic Policy Adviser at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. Visiting Professor at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna, Austria.
- Ambassador Michael Møller – President of the Diplomatic Forum of the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator Foundation, Former Under-Secretary General of the United Nations, 12th director-general of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG)