Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Insecurity: Resilience and Transformation at the Community Level – A Geneva Security Debate
This event is hybrid. It will take place at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and online.
- For the participants attending in-person, a light lunch will be served from 12:00 hrs.
- The debate will start at 12:30 hrs., both online and in-person
At the end of 2023, wars were raging in Africa, Israel and Gaza, and Ukraine, COP 28 reminded us how climate change is accelerating insecurity, and the global peace and security architecture appeared weaker than ever. This panel seeks to open the New Year with some signs of optimism emerging from local communities, despite being in some of the regions most affected by the consequences of the global vicious cycle of insecurity. National Advisors, who are responsible for overseeing GCERF’s programming on preventing violent extremism in communities at risk in the Sahel, Middle East and North Africa, and Southeast Asia, will share their experiences of community resilience.
A high-level panel from Interpeace and the Kofi Annan Foundation will be invited to respond.
Opening remarks
- Ambassador Thomas Greminger, Executive Director of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)
Part 1
- Youssef Ouattara, National Advisor of GCERF – Burkina Faso
- Jennifer Buan, National Advisor of GCERF – the Philippines
- Carmen Munhequete, National Advisor of GCERF – Mozambique
- Keneshbek Sainazarov, Regional Advisor of GCERF – Kyrgyzstan
- Omar Dulimi, National Advisor of GCERF – Iraq
- Muriyo Omar, National Advisor of GCERF– Somalia
Chair: Dr Lilla Schumicky-Logan, Deputy Executive Director of GCERF
Part 2
- Mr Itonde Kakoma, President of Interpeace
- Ms Maud Roure, Deputy Director for Programmes, Kofi Annan Foundation
Chair: Dr Christina Schori Liang, Head, Counterterrorism and PVE, GCSP
Closing remarks
- Dr Khalid Koser, Executive Director of the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF)