Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts
The GCSP Alumni Community embodies diversity. Based in 174 nations, community members on all continents from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds can provide perspectives and information from the ground.
The GCSP, its partners, donors and community are eager to hear it from you.
Reinject your expertise.
For the month of diversity and further throughout the year we encourage GCSP Alumni to contribute to our publication series to help us build a comprehensive view of today’s world.
Aside from research published in academic and policy-oriented journals, the GCSP also offers a variety of publications. Find out more about the different publication series here
Our portfolio covers a wide range of topics, in particular:
- Strategic anticipation,
- Geopolitics and global risks,
- Multilateral security cooperation,
- Emerging and disruptive technologies,
- Arms control and disarmament,
- Terrorism and organised crime,
- Peace operations and peacebuilding,
- International security law.
We are inviting you to send abstract submissions. To apply, please submit a 250-word abstract using the link below no later than 15 August (Please note, only one submission per person.) Successful candidates will be notified.
With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the 193 Member States of the United Nations committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), based on a transformative vision placing the reduction of inequality in all its dimensions at the centre. This commitment was embodied in SDG 10: “reduce inequality within and among countries”, as well as in the call to “leave no one behind” on the development path and to strive to “reach the furthest behind first”.
The role of equality is a pillar of development and key to international security. As always, but especially this June, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy would like to reaffirm its commitment to promoting #inclusivity, #equality and #diversity in both how we think and how we act. Our GCSP Alumni community is an inclusive part of the Centre, and we greatly value your contributions.